Prepare your Body for Fall


Some of you may be thinking that our fall post is coming out a month early. However, in the traditional Chinese calendar, August 7th marks the beginning of autumn. The season is associated with the metal element from the five element theory in Chinese medicine. The season is also associated with lungs and colon. The lungs represent purity and the colon represents cleansing.

As we move away from the summer and into autumn we lose the joy that summer brings; vacations, longer days, and beautiful sunny weather. The shortening of the days, beginning of new projects (school or work), and cooling weather resulting in us to getting less time in the sun causes our body to go into a period of grief (think Seasonal Effective Disorder). One must take this time to process the griefs from the year. The pandemic has been hard on everyone, and all of us have experienced loss because of it. Whether that is the vacation you were looking forward to all year that did not happen, or the loss of loved ones, it is monumentally important to work through this grief. Our bodies are in a constant dance between Yin and Yang in an attempt to reach balance. The colon allows us to cleanse our bodies and our lungs allow purity to enter our bodies. If we do not allow ourselves to cleanse and grieve our lungs will suffer.

The changing season strains our lungs and makes us more susceptible to the colds, flus, and allergies that come with this time of year. Now is the time to build your immune system through detox of the colon. The colon is the body’s epicenter for both good and bad bacteria. An abundance of bad bacteria can cause a variety of negative side effects resulting in anything from skin break outs, to anxiety, to digestion issues. By cleansing and using the right probiotics we can help the colon heal and as a result we support the lungs. At the Acupuncture Healing Center we can help your body prepare and detox through proper probiotic selection, acupuncture, herbs, and diet.

Pear season is upon us! Eating foods that are in season can have medicinal properties to it. Did you know that pears are a great natural way to promote lung health? Pears are great at reducing mucus, suppressing coughs, and are hydrating. Try this tasty dessert recipe at home to keep your lungs healthy!

Baked Pears.jpg

Baked Pear


Chu Shu- End of Heat