
What is Alpha-Gal syndrome and what are the symptoms?

Alpha-gal syndrome was recently identified as a type of food allergy to red meat. In the United States, the condition is thought to begin when a Lone Star tick bite transmits a sugar molecule called alpha-gal into the body. 

Signs and Symptoms

Hives, itching, itchy, scaly skin

Swelling of the lips, face, tongue, throat, or other body parts

Wheezing or shortness of breath

Runny nose

Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or sneezing

Alpha-Gal SAAT Treatment

Various methods of acupuncture have been used to help alleviate the various symptoms of alpha-gal allergies.  At our center, we use a very unique approach that was introduced by Dr. Nader Soliman.  

Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT), is a simple technique using only one needle and requiring only one treatment per sensitivity. This proven technique provides the strongest relief from alpha-gal allergy symptoms among all known acupuncture techniques. 

Why should you use SAAT treatment for Alpha-Gal:

There is no drug, allergy shot, or vaccination available for Alpha-Gal.

The SAAT procedure is incredibly easy for patients to receive.

One to three treatments are all that is typically necessary.

Its safety is unparalleled. There are no known side effects.

It is a fairly inexpensive and quick procedure.

The results have been remarkable.

The results have been shown to last.

How the Procedure is Done

The treatment will involve a virtually painless insertion of a tiny (3mm) hair-thin, sterilized, stainless-steel acupuncture needle into the skin of the outer ear. Since the ear has complex neurological, embryological, and electromagnetic connections to the brain, this makes it possible to treat many issues. Auricular (ear) acupuncture technique has long been medically accepted by the World Health Organization.

At your treatment, Carmela will conduct an examination with an instrument to locate a single pinpoint spot within the ear that correlates with the liver region. Its location will vary from patient-to-patient. The tiny piece of steel is covered with a small piece of surgical tape, which will protect and secure the needle so that it maintains stimulation for 3 weeks (patient may then easily remove it from home). Clinical results show that this can trigger the body in such a way that the allergy/sensitivity goes away itself, naturally. 

What to expect in your initial SAAT visit: 

  • Initial Consultation: A longer visit in which we will do a full intake of your heath and also conduct tests for other possible underlying issues. 

  • Testing: All patients will be checked for mast cell activation syndrome and histamine levels.  Carmela has found that often times these conditions must be cleared prior to the allergy. 

  • Treatment: Auricular acupuncture treatment. 

  • Dietary changes: Carmela will prescribe recommended dietary changes to support your treatment. 

  • Follow-up: The full course of treatment with SAAT will generally include 2-3 visits/treatments with Carmela with a 3-4 week interval between treatments.