Roasted Root Veggie Salad

Root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and turnips strengthen the kidney and boost the immune system.


-1 c beets

-1 c carrots

-1 c turnips

-1 c fennel


Dice the vegetables, lightly oil them, and roast them in the oven at 350 degrees.

When they are cooked, toss them with this dressing:

-1-2 tablespoons umeboshi vinegar
-1-2 teaspoon tahini
-Juice from half a lemon

After the vegetables are dressed, you can top them with fermented sauerkraut, if you would like. Also top with chopped scallions and toasted pumpkin seed (toasted in sesame oil).


Turnip is warming and purifying, and is wonderful for detoxing the body. It is helpful for the lungs and sinuses.

Carrots are rich in Vitamin A. They benefit the skin, act as an anti-inflammatory, aid the digestive track, and are good for coughs, even whooping cough.

Beets have a sweet flavor. They benefit the liver and help with detoxification. When eaten with carrots, they regulate hormones at menopause. 

Scallions are very good for when you feel a cold coming on (as is ginger).

Umeboshi is a salted plum that helps digestion and the liver. It is a highly alkalizing food and that is why they call it “Japanese Alka-Seltzer.”